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Monday, January 31, 2005

The Coming GOP Schism and CTW

I've said since election day that while the biggest problem with GWB's second term will be four more years of his court appointments, the second biggest problem is that it puts off the identity crisis that the GOP needs to go through. There are plenty of libertarian-type Republicans who are not happy about the American Taliban wing of the Party and how they are dominating the discourse.

I may have been premature in my sentiments, though -- because the voices are starting to be heard. Christine Todd Whitman, former gov of NJ and former head of the EPA under GWB for about as long as she could stand it, has written a book called _It's My Party Too_ about this very problem. She's a Republican, but she's pro-choice, believes in evolution, etc etc.

In short, she's one of the sensible ones. One of the ones I can disagree with about defense spending, but not tear my hair out with frustration about their stance on the social issues. I can handle the former differences of opinion; I can't handle the Flat Earth Society.

Anyhow, CTW was on Fresh Air last week, and you can listen here:

She's great -- clearly toeing the party line about not attacking GWB, but voicing some concerns. She definitely tries to fudge around how GWB and his Admin *represent* the problem she's talking about, so she is being a little ham-handed about that. Terry Gross asks some tough questions to that end, and there are a few uncomfortable pauses there. But I don't expect her to take on the GWB Admin with both barrels.

There's been some speculation that this book is the start of her running for the Presidency in 2008. I wouldn't vote for CTW -- she's too Republican to get my electoral support. However, the idea of people electing her to something doesn't bother me. We need more of her voices out there, and we need them soon, and we need them to get organized NOW.

Stopping the theocrats from taking over the country is going to require the support of both us lefties and the Republicans who have some sense. These guys have to take back the mantle of Republicanism, and religious progressives have to take back the mantle of faith.

There's lots to do.

Sunday, January 30, 2005


I'm completely addicted to Iron Chef America -- stripping out the goofy interculturality of the original totally works for me. (Laughing at how strange the Japanese are is, well, a different sort of pastime for me).

So the new show rocks, and tonight's episode rocked even harder. The brilliant and gorgeous Ming Tsai took on cocky asshole Bobby Flay, and the ingredient was duck. Tsai stuck his hand down Flay's gullet and pulled out some Foie Gras d'Cocky Asshole Chef of his own, and then made dessert with it.

Yes, he made a Foie Gras Creme Brulee. This may well rival the Foie Gras Granache that I had with Jeff and Mirvy at Aquavit in May 2003!

The whole show rocked. Every dish that Tsai did looked masterful, as did a few of Flay's, it must be said.

I am pleased -- Flay got his arse handed to him. This is a great great day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Toes wiggling -- a little optimism coming out of DC, believe it or not... Sens. Joe Biden and Barbara Boxer have been giving Secy. of State-nominee Condi Rice a good drubbing. Even the Morning Show chickee on CNN said "Wow, it's great to hear Democrats sounding like Democrats again!"

Indeed, indeed.

Monday, January 03, 2005

"There he is, Mr. New Year . . ."

Too dang funny! Dan's goat-horns at the end of his chin were surgically excised by the end of the evening.